Raysid Gamma Spectrometer

Raysid Price

All Raysid devices have the same parameters except spectrum resolution - FWHM at 662keV (Full Width at Half Maximum). This is an important parameter for spectrometry. Better resolution means faster and more accurate izotope detection (thinner and higher peaks). There is no influence on CPS/CPM or dose rate sensitivity. We offer different prices based on FWHM. See below:

FWHM 662keV * Price Availability  
<7% 699.99 EUR + delivery* in stock
<8% 599.99 EUR + delivery* 1 week
<10% 499.99 EUR + delivery* 1-2 months
<13% 399.99 EUR + delivery* 2-3 months

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* Delivery (from Poland/EU) cost is available on the checkout page.

* FWHM may vary depending on temperature.The best FWHM is achieved at 20-30 ℃

FWHM <7%

These devices use our most successful sensors.

Price: 699.99 EUR

Availability: in stock

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Raysid FWHM <7% :: Gamma Spectrometery Cs-137
Raysid FWHM <7% :: Gamma Spectrometery Am-241
Raysid FWHM <7% :: Gamma Spectrometery Th-232
Raysid FWHM <7% :: Gamma Spectrometery Ra-226
* spectrum examples from arbitrary device with FWHM <7%

FWHM <8%

This resolution is enought for quick isotope identification.

Price: 599.99 EUR

Availability: 1 week

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Raysid FWHM <8% :: Gamma Spectrometery Cs-137
Raysid FWHM <8% :: Gamma Spectrometery Am-241
Raysid FWHM <8% :: Gamma Spectrometery Th-232
Raysid FWHM <8% :: Gamma Spectrometery Ra-226
* spectrum examples from arbitrary device with FWHM <8%

FWHM <10%

Such resolution is enough to identify most izotopes(comparing to 8% version) and check food for Cs-137.

Price: 499.99 EUR

Availability: 1-2 months

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Raysid FWHM <10% :: Gamma Spectrometry Cs-137
Raysid FWHM <10% :: Gamma Spectrometry Am-241
Raysid FWHM <10% :: Gamma Spectrometry Th-232
Raysid FWHM <10% :: Gamma Spectrometry Ra-226
* spectrum examples from arbitrary device with FWHM<10%
* some numbers are not actual. These screenshots will be updated once we have a chance.

FWHM <13%

Some izotopes can't be identified (comparing to 8% version). Cs-137 can be detected but on quite high activity.

Price: 399.99 EUR

Availability: 2-3 months

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Raysid FWHM <13% :: Gamma Spectrometry Cs-137
Raysid FWHM <13% :: Gamma Spectrometry Am-241
Raysid FWHM <13% :: Gamma Spectrometry Th-232
Raysid FWHM <13% :: Gamma Spectrometry Ra-226
* spectrum examples from arbitrary device with FWHM <13%
* some numbers are not actual. These screenshots will be updated once we have a chance.

Private Company IN-NEW

IN-NEW Poland, Dunska 13, lok. L-1.21, Wroclaw 54-427

Registered in Poland nip: 9662120297


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